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The SKZ Plastics Center offers a new online course on advanced recycling

The SKZ is expanding its educational program with a new live online course: Advanced Recycling - Technology overview beyond mechanical recycling.

February 17, 2025
Neuer Live-Online Kurs zum Advanced Recycling

New live online course on advanced recycling (Source: Nattapun -

The EU's recycling targets with recycling quotas and the increasing demands on the chemical industry are increasing the pressure on the recycling sector. The recycling of plastics is therefore becoming increasingly important. At the same time, interest in renewable raw materials for chemicals and materials is growing, which raises the question of which recycling technologies are best suited. While mechanical recycling is an established method, advanced recycling technologies offer a number of advantages. Companies that address these technologies at an early stage can secure competitive advantages and integrate more sustainable solutions into their production chains. 

The SKZ Plastics Center, in cooperation with Lober GmbH & Co. KG, the SKZ Plastics Center is offering a comprehensive overview of alternative recycling processes to mechanical recycling in a 3-hour live online course, highlighting both their potential and the challenges they present. 

The new course, which will take place for the first time on April 3, 2025, is aimed at specialists and managers in the plastics industry who want to familiarize themselves with new recycling technologies. Participants will gain in-depth knowledge of physical and chemical recycling processes, their fields of application and their advantages and disadvantages.

Newer recycling methods offer several advantages compared to the conventional mechanical recycling of plastics. By breaking down or dissolving plastics into their original chemical building blocks, a higher quality of recycled materials is achieved and difficult-to-recycle plastics such as mixed plastics, contaminated plastics and composites can be recycled. However, there are also challenges, such as high energy requirements and limited industrial scaling.

“We want to help companies better understand the challenges and opportunities in the field of advanced recycling and successfully integrate them into their processes,” says Andreas Büttner, Group Manager Education Materials, Compounding, Extrusion. “That's why the regulatory framework and the current capacities and demand situation in the recycling sector are also part of the seminar.”

“The new online course gives participants the opportunity to learn more about current market developments, players and practical application examples in advanced recycling,” adds Mathias Ruckdeschel, course instructor at SKZ. “At the end of the course, they will be able to better understand the necessity of alternative recycling processes as well as the opportunities and challenges.”

Further information and registration
Advanced Recycling: Technology overview beyond mechanical recycling

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Contact Person:

Mathias Ruckdeschel
Senior Trainer | Materials | Compounding | Extrusion

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