Sponsors and Partner
Test methods
Product certification
Damage analysis
SKZ Whitepaper
Circular Economy
Enabler projects
Quality policy
Certification procedure
Our Mission
Your competent partner in the plastics industry since 1961.
Your competent partner in the plastics industry since 1961.
Our Mission

We are the experts in the field of plastics and the contact for the plastics industry.

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SKZ locations

In addition to its headquarter in Würzburg, the SKZ has four other locations in Halle, Peine, Horb and Selb.

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Start your career with us. SKZ offers a wide range of job opportunities, from apprenticeships to specialist and management positions.

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SKZ – German Plastics Center

The SKZ is supported by FSKZ e.V. (Association for SKZ). Members include successful companies in the plastics industry and related sectors. Membership in the association means the opportunity to fight for top positions in the team - to network, to benefit from the excellent contacts in terms of content and to be able to represent plastics-specific interests more sustainably with a successful team.

FSKZ e.V. is the umbrella organisation of SKZ. It was founded in 1961 as a non-profit association and aims to promote research and development as well as education and training. The FSC has steering and control units, so-called committees, which monitor and control the strategies and activities of the association and advise the management and institute management. The tasks of the committees and their honorary members are oriented towards the welfare of the FSC and its societies.

The work of the committees is divided into the following areas:
Supervisory Board | Board of Trustees | Advisory Board

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Bastian
Head of Zuse Association and CEO of SKZ

The address, - when it comes to plastics.

Research and Training

Friedrich-Bergius-Ring 22, 97076 Würzburg

Managing Director:
Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Hochrein

Executive Assistant:
Diana Guckenberger | Tel.: +49 931 4104-2302

Deputy Managing Director:
Dr. rer. nat. Benjamin Baudrit

Executive Assistant:
Nadine Ün | Tel.: +49 931 4104-433

Testing, Inspection, Certification

SKZ – Testing GmbH
Friedrich-Bergius-Ring 22, 97076 Würzburg

Managing Director:
Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Hochrein

Executive Assistant:
Diana Guckenberger | Tel.: +49 931 4104-2302

Certification of management systems

SKZ – Cert GmbH
Friedrich-Bergius-Ring 22, 97076 Würzburg

Managing Director:
Dipl.-Ing. Robert Schmitt

Executive Assistant:
Gabi Hemmerich | Tel.: +49 931 4104-310

Central Services (Administration)

FSKZ e. V.
Friedrich-Bergius-Ring 22, 97076 Würzburg

Managing Director
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Bastian

Executive Assistant:
Angela Rügamer | Tel.: +49 931 4104-443

Facts and Figures

Satisfied participants
Satisfied participants
Speakers with excellent expertise
Speakers with excellent expertise
Active network members
Active network members
Test standards possible in the test laboratory
Test standards possible in the test laboratory
SKZ model factory - building bridges to the industrial future

The future of plastics processing takes off: On 25 May 2020, construction work began on the SKZ Model Factory - A beacon with charisma far beyond the borders of Bavaria and Germany. 

SKZ model factory - building bridges to the industrial future

The future of plastics processing takes off: On 25 May 2020, construction work began on the SKZ Model Factory - A beacon with charisma far beyond the borders of Bavaria and Germany. 

SKZ as part of the ZUSE-Association

The ZUSE-Association represents the interests of independent, privately organised research institutions. Nationwide, more than 70 institutes belong to the association, which is open to technology and industry. On 29 October 2019, Prof. Dr. Martin Bastian was unanimously elected as its president.

SKZ as part of the ZUSE-Association

The ZUSE-Association represents the interests of independent, privately organised research institutions. Nationwide, more than 70 institutes belong to the association, which is open to technology and industry. On 29 October 2019, Prof. Dr. Martin Bastian was unanimously elected as its president.

Training Center Quality (TZQ) - Completion September 2022

Construction of the TZQ will begin in February 2021 and is scheduled for completion in September 2022. The new training centre for quality will offer rooms for method training as well as sufficient space for the required technical equipment around the topic of testing technology and quality management.

Training Center Quality (TZQ) - Completion September 2022

Construction of the TZQ will begin in February 2021 and is scheduled for completion in September 2022. The new training centre for quality will offer rooms for method training as well as sufficient space for the required technical equipment around the topic of testing technology and quality management.

Sponsoring Association - Supervisory Board, Board of Trustees and Advisory Board

Supervisory Board

is the highest authority of the SKZ and makes important strategic and operational decisions. It is predominantly made up of representatives from the plastics producing and plastics processing industries, the plastics machinery industry and the trades. The honorary members of the Supervisory Board are elected in and by the FSKZ General Assembly for four years.

The Supervisory Board coordinates the tasks of the Association and ensures the implementation of the resolutions of the General Assembly. Among other things, it appoints the Institute Director and the Managing Directors of the SKZ societies.


Prof. Dr. Julia Pauline Iden (Chairwoman)
nanid scientific consulting

Marcus Wirthwein (Deputy Chairman)
Wirthwein AG

Helmut Gries 
Helmut Gries Consulting

Guido Frohnhaus

Sandra Füllsack
motan holding GmbH

Norbert Nobbe
Pöppelmann Holding GmbH & Co.KG

Ulrich Reifenhäuser
Reifenhäuser GmbH & Co. KG

Dr.-Ing. Arno Rogalla
Rogalla Consulting

Dr.-Ing. Oliver Schnerr
Kistler Instrumente AG

The Board of Trustees

has the task of advising and supporting the Supervisory Board and the Executive Board in important decisions. It is intended to strengthen relations between the public and various sectors of SKZ society and to promote public interest in SKZ's research and educational topics. The Board of Trustees is formed - on an honorary basis - by well-known personalities from business, science, politics and the public sector.


Dr. Guiscard Glück (Chairman)

Dr. Pia Beckmann
Beckmann Consulting

Dr. Christine Bötsch
Stadträtin Stadt Würzburg
Dr.-Ing. Holger Findeisen
ZF Friedrichshafen AG
Andreas Hertsch
Kunststoff Information Verlagsgesellschaft mbH

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Hopmann
Institut für Kunststoffverarbeitung IKV - RWTH Aachen
Albrecht Huber
Leistritz Extrusionstechnik GmbH
Prof. Dr. Ralf Jahn
Hauptgeschäftsführer der
IHK Würzburg-Schweinfurt
Klaus Jasper
Thorsten Kühmann
Fachverband Kunststoff- und Gummimaschinen im VDMA
Paul Lehrieder
Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages
Joachim Oberrauch
Finstral AG

Claus Reder
VR Bank Würzburg eG-Bank

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Volker Schöppner
Universität Paderborn Institut für Kunststofftechnik Fakultät für Maschinenbau
Oberbürgermeister Christian Schuchardt
Stadt Würzburg
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Gerhard Sextl
Institutsleiter Fraunhofer-Institut für Silicatforschung ISC

Christoph Stamm 
BÄNNINGER Kunststoff-Produkte GmbH
Dr.-Ing. Michael Stöger
Dr. Otto Wiesheu
ehemaliger Bayerischer Staatsminister für Wirtschaft, Infrastruktur, Verkehr und Technologie

Peter Wolf
Beck Elektrotechnik GmbH

The Advisory Board

Its honorary members advise the management on technical and scientific issues relating to the individual business units. The members of the advisory board are to inform the SKZ about technical trends and give suggestions as to the direction in which the scientific work should develop. In order to ensure the high quality and productivity in the long term, the work of the institute is accompanied scientifically and technically by the advisory board. The Advisory Board has the right and the duty to make suggestions to the Supervisory Board in order to maintain and improve the SKZ's service portfolio in line with market requirements.

Representatives of the SKZ:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Bastian
Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Hochrein
Dr. rer. nat. Johann Erath


Martin Würtele (Chair of the Advisory Board)
KraussMaffei Technologies GmbH

Dr. Tobias Pfefferkorn (Vice-Chairman)

Dr. Peter Attenberger
Vinnolit Kunststoff GmbH

Thomas Frank

Dr. Wolfgang Frings
Simona AG

Hartmut Henneken
Jowat SE

Prof. Ansgar Jaeger
Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften

Dr. Karl Kuhmann
Evonik Resource Efficiency GmbH

Dr. Edgar Quandt

Dr. Otto Skrabala
Georg Fischer Piping Systems

Dr. Thomas Walther

SKZ · German Plastics Center
Friedrich-Bergius-Ring 22
97076 Würzburg

Telefon: +49 931 4104-0

Route berechnen
SKZ Training Center – Welding
Frankfurter Str. 19 c
97082 Würzburg

Telefon: +49 931 4104-123

Route berechnen
SKZ · Branch office Halle
Training and Research Center
Köthener Str. 33a
06118 Halle (Saale)

Telefon: +49 345 53045-0

Route berechnen
SKZ · Branch office Horb
Training Center
Rauher Grund 9
72160 Horb am Neckar

Telefon: +49 7451 62457-0

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SKZ · Branch office Peine
Training Center
Woltorfer Str. 77, Halle G
31224 Peine

Telefon: +49 5171 48935

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EZD · Branch office Selb
European Center for Dispersion Technologies (EZD)
Weißenbacher Str. 86
95100 Selb

Telefon: +49 9287 99880-0

Route berechnen
Sales partner – Italy
Via Buonarotti 175
20900 Monza, Italy

Telefon: +39 039 281561

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Sales partner – Romania
Plastics Bavaria Equipment & Systems srl
Str. Iancu Jianu, nr. 26
500178 Braşov, Romania

Telefon: +40 268 412 559

Route berechnen
Training Center Middle East
SKZ · Training Center Middle East
Muntazah Complex (Exit - 25)
Jebel Ali Village - Dubai (VAE)

Telefon: +971 4 8845001

Route berechnen
Sales partner – Poland
Dopak Sp. z o. o
Ul. Kwiatkowskiego 5a
52-407 Breslau, Poland

Telefon: +48 71 35 84 000

Route berechnen

SKZ – Technology Center
Friedrich-Bergius-Ring 22
97076 Würzburg

Tel. +49 931 4104-0

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