
Search standard for testing available at SKZ


Durable – reliable – safe
Everyday life without plastic products is impossible. Therefore it's important that they fulfill their tasks as good as perspected. We are happy to perform the necessary quality assurance tests for this purpose.

Test methods

Tested safety
Safety and outstanding quality are good sales arguments for your products. In our accredited test laboratory, we test and certify a wide range of different plastic products using numerous test methods.

Product certification

Confidence bonus for certified products
Test seals increase confidence in a product and the associated tests for quality assurance. Our accredited test laboratory will also test and certify your products.

Sponsors and Partner
Test methods
Product certification
Damage analysis
SKZ Whitepaper
Circular Economy
Quality policy
Certification procedure
Our Mission

Testing of plastic products
for the construction and logistics industry

Renovations, refurbishments and new builds today demand solutions that are as economical as they are progressive. Materials for balconies, façades, roofs and walls must not only look good, but must also be able to withstand the effects of weathering as well as chemical and physical stresses in the long term. The building products and storage containers must fulfil all building law requirements (according to DIBt) and be quick to process for cost reasons.

We test a wide range of products made of thermoplastics and composite materials for you:

  • Waste and recycling containers (AWB)
  • Storage and transport containers, small load carriers (KLT)
  • Components made from glass fibre reinforced plastics (GRP)
  • Components from the railway sector
  • Components from the building and civil engineering sector
  • Textile membrane and sheet structures
  • Wood plastic composites (WPC) 

The ideas and solutions made of plastic are as diverse as the requirements.
We support you with our many years of expertise in product testing, certification and monitoring.

Martin Krüger
Project Manager | Construction Products

We offer the following examinations

Storage and transport containers

  • Heating oil tanks and storage tanks for water-polluting media as part of general building inspectorate approvals in accordance with DIN EN 13341 in accordance with EAD 280017-00-0109
  • Hazardous goods containers in accordance with the hazardous goods regulations of the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM)
  • Waste and recycling containers (AWB) in accordance with DIN EN 840-1 to 6 in accordance with RAL-GZ 951 in accordance with FS 1.1 and 1.2 for GS mark
  • Small load carriers (KLT) according to VDA 4500
  • EWPS wheeled pallets (European Wheel Standard Pallet System) in accordance with VDA 4503

Components from the building construction and civil engineering sector

  • Fastening elements in external thermal insulation composite systems according to general building inspectorate approvals or approvals in individual cases
  • Textile membrane and sheet support structures
  • Shaft elements for waste water and cable laying in accordance with general building inspectorate approvals
  • Inliners for sewer rehabilitation
  • Moulding compounds and resins, as well as laminates in accordance with general building inspectorate approvals
  • Other components in accordance with general building inspectorate approvals or approvals in individual cases

Components made from glass fibre reinforced plastics (GRP)

  • GRP profiles
  • GRP planks
  • GRP gratings
  • GRP silos

As part of general building inspectorate approvals or approvals in individual cases in accordance with EAD 260001-00-0303 in accordance with DIN EN 13706-2 EBA approvals in accordance with DBS 918010

WPC (Wood-Plastic-Composite) Profiles

in accordance with the VHI quality guideline or within the scope of general building inspectorate approvals or approvals in individual cases in accordance with DIN EN 15534

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