
Search standard for testing available at SKZ


Durable – reliable – safe
Everyday life without plastic products is impossible. Therefore it's important that they fulfill their tasks as good as perspected. We are happy to perform the necessary quality assurance tests for this purpose.

Test methods

Tested safety
Safety and outstanding quality are good sales arguments for your products. In our accredited test laboratory, we test and certify a wide range of different plastic products using numerous test methods.

Product certification

Confidence bonus for certified products
Test seals increase confidence in a product and the associated tests for quality assurance. Our accredited test laboratory will also test and certify your products.

Sponsors and Partner
Test methods
Product certification
Damage analysis
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Circular Economy
Enabler projects
Quality policy
Certification procedure
Our Mission

Zero Pellet Loss

With this goal, every individual can contribute to the protection of the world's oceans.

Your actions make the difference!

Zero Pellet Loss

With this goal, every individual can contribute to the protection of the world's oceans.

Your actions make the difference!


Operation Clean Sweep

Operation Clean Sweep, the leading certification standard, is a voluntary initiative aimed at minimizing granule losses in the plastics industry and harmonizing measures to prevent them. This pioneering system was developed in collaboration with the European Plastics Converters Association (EuPC) and PlasticsEurope, the association of plastics manufacturers in Europe. With our experienced team of qualified auditors throughout Europe, SKZ is your reliable partner for OCS certification.

Operation Clean Sweep
Christian Winkler
Group Manager | Pipe Systems
Alexander Ebenbeck
Head of Sales | Business & Sales Development
Why is a uniform standard necessary?

Studies show that 2% of all plastic waste in the environment is plastic pellets, making plastic pellet losses the second largest source of primary microplastics. Operation Clean Sweep (OCS) was developed by the plastics industry to address this issue.

The OCS certification system defines best practices for eliminating plastic pellet loss, creates verifiable commitments, and encourages collaboration with policymakers to establish consistent standards along the plastics supply chain and ultimately achieve the top goal: ZERO PELLET LOSS - No plastic pellets, flakes or powders entering the environment.

What is the OCS certification process?
  1. Project preliminary meeting
  2. Certification audit by SKZ
  3. Registration in the public OCS register
  4. Surveillance audits take place once a year
  5. Since the OCS certificate is valid for a maximum of 3 years, recertification takes place in good time before expiry.
Who's behind this program?

The Operation Clean Sweep certification standard and associated initiative were jointly launched by EuPC, the association of European plastics processors, and Plastics Europe, the association of European plastics producers.

The OCS certification standard was published in 2022, and the first audits are scheduled for 2023. The development of the standard involved collaboration with numerous industry experts, trade associations, non-governmental organizations, policy makers and certification bodies.

More information on the Operation Clean Sweep

Zero Pellets Loss  Zero Pellets Loss
For whom is certification important?

The OCS standard is important for companies that use plastic granules. For example, these are companies from the fields of plastics production, mixing or compounding, as well as producers of masterbatches, companies in plastics processing, and players in the fields of transport and logistics. In addition to the basic OCS requirements, there are also specific requirement modules for each area along the value chain, tailored to individual needs.

OCS is a continuous process to identify and sustainably eliminate sources of plastic pellet losses for the entire supply chain of the plastics industry.

Zero Pellets Loss Quelle:

You are curious and want to learn more?
The effort and cost of OCS certification depends on the size of your facility. It is possible to combine the audit with other certifications such as environmental management or product certifications.

We will be happy to provide you with an appropriate offer.

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