Knowledge creates value The education and training of engineers and specialists for the plastics industry is the founding purpose of SKZ and our mission. Since 1961, SKZ has been the industry's address for in-company training. With the knowledge of your employees, your company creates value.
Injection molding is the most important and most widely used process for manufacturing plastic products. With this process, large quantities of directly usable molded parts can be produced cost-effectively. The process and mold technology can be as complex as the molded parts are varied. Well-founded training is obligatory in this process. The courses at SKZ cover the entire spectrum of injection molding and offer the right training for both beginners and experts.
You will find our extensive range of further training courses in the field of injection molding in the further course of this page. In addition, our lecturers have also been giving talks at ENGEL forum events for some time. These take place at ENGEL's headquarters in Schwertberg (Austria). Of course, not only customers from Austria, but also from Germany and Switzerland are cordially invited.
Currently our offer regarding standardized education courses in English is limited. If you cannot find the topic suiting your requirements you may look at our German website for courses injection molding or simply contact us. A customized course meeting your requirements as in-house-training is always a possible solution.
Robert Held
Group Manager | Training Injection Molding and Additive Manufacturing
Injection molding process is becoming increasingly complex. The course teaches you in a simple way the basic processes and statistical experiments for determination of the optimal machine settings. To sample a mold does not mean to produce parts; it means to look for molding defects.
Face-to-face teaching
In-house training possible
advanced knowledge
50% (e.g. workshop)
Appointment on request
3 days
Appointment on request
Systematic sampling (DOE)
Injection molding process is becoming increasingly complex. The course teaches you in a simple way the basic processes and statistical experiments for…
Level :advanced knowledge
Practice level:
890,00 EUR
This course can be booked as classroom training on site at SKZ.
This course can be conducted as an in-house training at your company.
This compact training course with the practical training on the machine provides participants with a general understanding of the major aspects of injection molding: the injection molding machine, process, molds and parameters. Furthermore, it gives an overview of the typical defects, which may occur during the injection molding process.
This course is ideal for career changer and an excellent refresher course for any employee involved in plastics processing from setters and operators to management and sales technicians, who interact with processors or other plastics professionals on a daily basis.
In-house training possible
Online course
Level 0 (Seminar without practice)
15.12. - 19.12.2025, Online
+- Weitere Termine (1)
19.05. - 23.05.2025, Online
5 days
15.12. - 19.12.2025
Injection Molding – Basics and defects
This compact training course with the practical training on the machine provides participants with a general understanding of the major aspects of…
Level :Basics
Practice level:
1.165,00 EUR
This course can be conducted as an in-house training at your company.
This course can be booked as LIVE online training.
The qualification as an injection molding operator enables you to operate and monitor injection molding machines. You will get to know all safety-relevant criteria for molds and machines, the injection molding process and thermoplastic materials in practice.
Face-to-face teaching
In-house training possible
75% (e.g. operator course)
Appointment on request
5 days
Appointment on request
Injection molding operator
The qualification as an injection molding operator enables you to operate and monitor injection molding machines. You will get to know all…
Level :Basics
Practice level:
890,00 EUR
This course can be booked as classroom training on site at SKZ.
This course can be conducted as an in-house training at your company.
Defects cost the company time and money. That is why it is important to support the employees` possibility of detecting defects and eliminating them while at the same time strengthening everyone`s understanding of the limits on the elimination of defects and the consequences of their occurrence.
Face-to-face teaching
advanced knowledge
50% (e.g. workshop)
Appointment on request
2 days
Appointment on request
Injection molding defects
Defects cost the company time and money. That is why it is important to support the employees` possibility of detecting defects and eliminating them…
Level :advanced knowledge
Practice level:
890,00 EUR
This course can be booked as classroom training on site at SKZ.
The demo of the e-learning course "Injection Molding" gives the participant a first insight into injection molding in Romanian language. In addition to the injection molding process, individual elements of the injection mold are also explained.
The e-learning course offers interactive functions that make learning more effective and engaging. Learners can apply their knowledge directly and receive immediate feedback. Compared to on-site or live-online-training courses, e-learning courses are generally more cost-effective. There are no travel or accommodation costs, and the training content is online availble, eliminating printing and distribution costs.
With e-learning courses companies can reach and train a large number of employees at the same time.
From the time of booking you have access to this course for 12 weeks.
Demonstrația cursului de e-learning "Turnarea prin injecție" oferă participanților o primă perspectivă asupra turnării prin injecție în limba română. Pe lângă procesul de turnare prin injecție, sunt explicate și elementele individuale ale matriței de injecție.
Cursul e-learning oferă funcții interactive care fac învățarea mai eficientă și mai atractivă. Cursanții își pot aplica cunoștințele în mod direct și pot primi feedback imediat. În comparație cu cursurile de formare la fața locului sau cu cursurile de formare live online, cursurile de e-learning sunt, în general, mai eficiente din punct de vedere al costurilor. Nu există costuri de deplasare sau de cazare, iar conținutul de formare este disponibil online, eliminând costurile de tipărire și distribuție.
Cu ajutorul cursurilor de e-learning, companiile pot ajunge și instrui un număr mare de angajați în același timp.
Din momentul rezervării, aveți acces la acest curs timp de 12 săptămâni.
Die Demo des E-Learning-Kurses "Spritzgießen" gibt dem Teilnehmer einen ersten Einblick in das Spritzgießen in rumänischer Sprache. Neben dem Spritzgießprozess werden auch die einzelnen Elemente des Spritzgießwerkzeugs erklärt.
Der E-Learning-Kurs bietet interaktive Funktionen, die das Lernen effektiver und interessanter machen. Die Lernenden können ihr Wissen direkt anwenden und erhalten sofortiges Feedback. Im Vergleich zu Schulungen vor Ort oder Live-Online-Schulungen sind E-Learning-Kurse in der Regel kostengünstiger. Es fallen keine Reise- oder Unterbringungskosten an und die Schulungsinhalte sind online verfügbar, wodurch Druck- und Vertriebskosten entfallen.
Mit E-Learning-Kursen können Unternehmen eine große Zahl von Mitarbeitern gleichzeitig erreichen und schulen.
Ab dem Zeitpunkt der Buchung haben Sie 12 Wochen lang Zugang zu diesem Kurs.
Level 0 (Seminar without practice)
Online available
Online available
E-Learning: Injection molding in Romanian (demo course)
The demo of the e-learning course "Injection Molding" gives the participant a first insight into injection molding in Romanian language. In addition…
Level :Basics
Practice level:
Free of charge
This course can be booked as e-learning for self-study.
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