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Knowledge creates value
The education and training of engineers and specialists for the plastics industry is the founding purpose of SKZ and our mission. Since 1961, SKZ has been the industry's address for in-company training. With the knowledge of your employees, your company creates value. 

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Test methods
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Damage analysis
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Certification procedure
Our Mission

Knowledge creates values

The training and further education of engineers and skilled workers for the plastics industry is the founding purpose of SKZ and our mission. 

For more than 60 years, SKZ has been the industry's address for in-company training. Your company creates value with the knowledge of your employees. The products and services that your customers value are created. Invest consistently in the knowledge and skills of your employees and thus strengthen your company.

A genuine practical component in the courses is a key quality feature for effective continuing education. The SKZ therefore operates its own technical centres at all further education locations.

Our customers appreciate the practical expertise of our course instructors and lecturers. A guarantee for this is the intensive networking of the education sector at the SKZ with industry and with our own diverse research and development activities.

Matthias Ruff
Head of Sales Training & Research | Procuration
Alexander Hefner
Deputy Head of Sales Training & Research

Some of our training courses

Production and Characterization of Suspensions

By attending this seminar you will acquire knowledge regarding dispersing machines & characterization methods for suspensions as well as the…

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DVS course for plastics welders, Test Group 1 according to DVS 2281

The participant will gain knowledge and proficiency in welding of polymeric sheets and plastic pipes for tank building and industrial…

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DVS course for plastics welders, Test Group 2 according to DVS 2282

The participant will gain knowledge and proficiency in welding of polymeric sheets and plastic pipes for tank building and industrial…

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Design for Additive Manufacturing

If your work field is in Computer Aided Design and you are interested in adapting your modelling for 3D printing, this course is perfect for…

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Introduction to Additive Manufacturing

Don’t miss the boat! Additive manufacturing keeps gaining more and more attention with increasing fields of applications. In this course,…

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Injection Molding – Basics and defects

This compact training course with the practical training on the machine provides participants with a general understanding of the major…

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Basics of injection molding

This compact training course with the practical training on the machine provides participants with a general understanding of the major…

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Basics of compounding technology

This course is ideal for gaining initial experience in compounding.

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Basics of extrusion technology

This course will provide you with a broad knowledge of extrusion technology.

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Please enter your email address and receive free useful tips and tricks from the SKZ plastics professionals on the subject of "Production and Characterization of Suspensions".
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Please enter your email address and receive free useful tips and tricks from the SKZ plastics professionals on the subject of "DVS course for plastics welders, Test Group 1 according to DVS 2281".
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Please enter your email address and receive free useful tips and tricks from the SKZ plastics professionals on the subject of "DVS course for plastics welders, Test Group 2 according to DVS 2282".
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Order whitepaper

Please enter your email address and receive free useful tips and tricks from the SKZ plastics professionals on the subject of "Design for Additive Manufacturing".
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Please enter your email address and receive free useful tips and tricks from the SKZ plastics professionals on the subject of "Introduction to Additive Manufacturing".
We need your data to be able to send you the selected whitepaper via e-mail. You can find more details in our privacy policy.

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Please enter your email address and receive free useful tips and tricks from the SKZ plastics professionals on the subject of "Injection Molding – Basics and defects".
We need your data to be able to send you the selected whitepaper via e-mail. You can find more details in our privacy policy.

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Please enter your email address and receive free useful tips and tricks from the SKZ plastics professionals on the subject of "Basics of injection molding".
We need your data to be able to send you the selected whitepaper via e-mail. You can find more details in our privacy policy.

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Please enter your email address and receive free useful tips and tricks from the SKZ plastics professionals on the subject of "Basics of compounding technology".
We need your data to be able to send you the selected whitepaper via e-mail. You can find more details in our privacy policy.

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Please enter your email address and receive free useful tips and tricks from the SKZ plastics professionals on the subject of "Basics of extrusion technology".
We need your data to be able to send you the selected whitepaper via e-mail. You can find more details in our privacy policy.
SKZ · German Plastics Center
Friedrich-Bergius-Ring 22
97076 Würzburg

Telefon: +49 931 4104-0

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SKZ Training Center – Welding
Frankfurter Str. 19 c
97082 Würzburg

Telefon: +49 931 4104-123

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SKZ · Branch office Halle
Training and Research Center
Köthener Str. 33a
06118 Halle (Saale)

Telefon: +49 345 53045-0

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SKZ · Branch office Horb
Training Center
Rauher Grund 9
72160 Horb am Neckar

Telefon: +49 7451 62457-0

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SKZ · Branch office Peine
Training Center
Woltorfer Str. 77, Halle G
31224 Peine

Telefon: +49 5171 48935

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EZD · Branch office Selb
European Center for Dispersion Technologies (EZD)
Weißenbacher Str. 86
95100 Selb

Telefon: +49 9287 99880-0

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Sales partner – Italy
Via Buonarotti 175
20900 Monza, Italy

Telefon: +39 039 281561

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Sales partner – Romania
Plastics Bavaria Equipment & Systems srl
Str. Iancu Jianu, nr. 26
500178 Braşov, Romania

Telefon: +40 268 412 559

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Training Center Middle East
SKZ · Training Center Middle East
Muntazah Complex (Exit - 25)
Jebel Ali Village - Dubai (VAE)

Telefon: +971 4 8845001

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Sales partner – Poland
Dopak Sp. z o. o
Ul. Kwiatkowskiego 5a
52-407 Breslau, Poland

Telefon: +48 71 35 84 000

Route berechnen

Friedrich-Bergius-Ring 22
97076 Würzburg

Phone +49 931 4104-0

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