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Qualification of the personnel for the thermal turnaround

The energy revolution is one of the big issues of our time. District heating is an efficient way of heating in the future. However, a key prerequisite is the right infrastructure. Training is essential for the professional socket installation of plastic jacket pipes used in the construction of district heating pipelines. The German Plastics Center SKZ provides the necessary qualifications.

September 27, 2023
Verlegung von Kunststoffmantelrohren

Installation of plastic casing pipes (Photo: Carina Heinze, SKZ)

SKZ trains socket fitters as district heating specialists

The German Plastics Center (SKZ) in Halle offers various qualification opportunities for personnel in the district heating sector. Participants from the fields of pipeline construction, civil engineering and plant construction are also qualified for this area.

Specialists can be trained for the professional installation of plastic casing pipes in district heating pipeline construction. In a 5-day course in accordance with AGFW Code of Practice FW 603, participants learn and master socket installation as a jointing technique for plastic casing pipes. This includes not only the actual installation, but also the foaming of the socket cavity with polyurethane. District heating requires properly insulated pipe systems to minimize energy losses during transportation. The installation of core connections that allow monitoring and fault location in district heating systems will also be covered. The course concludes with a theoretical and practical exam.

In addition, plastic welders can be certified to weld polyethylene (PE) casing pipe in a 5-day course according to DVS 2284 with an examination according to DVS 2212-4. This course also has a high practical component. PE welded joints are made on couplings and casing fittings.

There are also courses for site supervisors, foremen and quality assurance personnel. For example, the SKZ event "Socket installation on plastic casing pipes (KMR)" will be held in Halle on December 13 and 14 in cooperation with the AGFW.

Both days will begin with interesting technical presentations by speakers from well-known companies and speakers from SKZ Halle. The presentations will deal with quality assured work and processes in the special assembly of plastic casing pipe systems. Participants will learn about the current state of knowledge based on European standards, AGFW regulations and practical experience.  Important topics include the implementation of the new quality requirements for certified companies according to Worksheet FW 605. Fault location using leak detection systems will also be covered.
In the afternoons, practical live demonstrations of socket assembly and special welding processes will take place in the SKZ Technika. SKZ employees will pass on their practical knowledge and experience. The evening event on the first day will provide an opportunity to network and exchange ideas. The event is aimed at industry professionals involved in contracting, design, construction management, installation, quality control and network operation of plastic casing pipe systems.

According to the district heating summit in June 2023, the heating transition should be achieved as quickly as possible by expanding and establishing a climate-friendly district heating supply. According to the federal government's plans, up to 100,000 households will be connected to the district heating network every year in the coming years. Currently only one in seven households is supplied with district heating, which corresponds to six million homes.

In some large cities, the share of district heating is already comparatively high at up to 30%. Munich and Halle are pioneers here with a municipal heating plan. Large cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants must have drawn up a heat plan by the end of 2026. In order to achieve the heat transition, several thousand kilometers of district heating pipes must, among other things, be re-laid. How quickly this happens depends primarily on the capacity of the specialist staff. Supply and pipeline construction companies are already experiencing problems due to a shortage of skilled workers. In order to counteract this, measures are required to recruit personnel through training, further education and training.

Further details about the program and registration

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Contact Person:

Angelika Plat
Group Manager Training | Welding

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