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Superficial harmony or color dissatisfaction? SKZ researches tolerable color deviations

People are very sensitive to the slightest differences in the color and surface texture of juxtaposed plastic parts. If the parts do not match harmoniously, even high-quality products will be rejected. A new research project is investigating visually tolerable deviations in color and surface texture. Interested companies are invited to participate free of charge and have their own components analyzed.

September 29, 2023
Gleiche Einfärbung, unterschiedliche Oberflächenstruktur

Same coloration, different surface structure - are the differences in perceived brightness tolerated by the observer or not? (Image: Linda Mittelberg, SKZ / Wilfried Kunde, University of Würzburg)

Color and surface texture influence the perception of surface harmony.

In order to minimize iteration loops on the subject of color and surface structure in the manufacture of plastic products, SKZ and the Department of Psychology at the University of Würzburg are collaborating in the recently launched research project "OF-Harmony". The aim is to develop a practical approach to solving the problem of the influence of surface structure on perceived color harmony.

Today's quality assurance includes standardized color measurements and the determination of color deviations between standard and sample. However, the final approval is often done visually by colorists, such as those trained by the market leader SKZ, or by designers, because the influence of the surface texture on the color impression cannot be reproduced correctly with the usual measuring devices. Special instruments for surface analysis often provide different characteristic values, but it is not yet possible to correlate these measured values with human perception.

To date, it has not been possible to achieve metrological and visual equivalence for the characteristics of brightness, color and gloss in the case of different surface structures. Therefore, for the first time, it will be investigated whether surface parameters can be found that are associated with the visual acceptance of two surfaces.

The research project, which is scheduled to run for two years, will provide practical instructions on how to adapt coloration to different surface structures that can be directly implemented by companies.

Interested companies are invited to contact the SKZ or the University of Würzburg to participate in the project free of charge and to benefit from the results at an early stage.

The project 22811 N of the research association "Fördergemeinschaft für das Süddeutsche Kunststoffzentrum e. V." is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection through the German Federation of Industrial Research Associations (AiF) within the framework of the program for the promotion of joint industrial research (IGF) on the basis of a resolution of the German Bundestag. We are grateful for this financial support.

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Dr.-Ing. Giovanni Schober
Quality and Life Cycle

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