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Solution seekers from medicine meet problem solvers from industry at SKZ symposium

A customized dental prosthesis or even additively manufactured implants are no longer the only applications for 3D printing in medicine. The innovative tasks for 3D printing from medicine are becoming increasingly diverse. At the one-day SKZ symposium "3D printing: what medical professionals expect - questions from everyday clinical practice", current possibilities and developments will be shown, creative input from users will be sought and requirements for medical products will be highlighted.

March 2, 2023
Tagung 3D-Druck

The innovative tasks for 3D printing from medicine are becoming increasingly diverse (Image: SKZ)

The SKZ conference on 3D printing will take place on April 20, 2023, at the new model factory in Würzburg, Germany

The SKZ symposium runs under the motto: "Solution seekers from medicine meet problem solvers from industry." This includes explaining medical problems and challenges to encourage plastics companies to seek solutions and come up with innovative ideas and developments.

This year, the focus will be on the use of 3D printing in dentistry, procedures, new materials, methods, software and approval/standardization. Specifically, the meeting will cover the use of 3D printing technologies in prosthetic dentistry, orthodontics and maxillofacial surgery.

Experts will discuss the topic "The surgeon as engineer in plastic implants from the 3D printer".  It's not just about PEEK as a low-cost and bone-friendly implant material, but also about polypropylene for extrusion-based 3D printing in medical technology. As a partner of the biotechnology, medical technology and pharmaceutical industries, Dr. Wolfgang Sening of senetics healthcare group will report on requirements for materials, biocompatibility and bioresorbable plastics. In addition, special tools as well as requirements for scanners and the scanning process with patients will be presented, and the possibilities of optimized interaction of acquisition and modeling technology will be highlighted. Optimized data export to additive and subtractive manufacturing also represents a major practical topic. The process from data analysis to printing will therefore also be covered.
On the evening before, a get-together will be held at the Center for Additive Manufacturing at SKZ starting at 6:30 pm. The dinner lecture will be given by Dr. med. M. Kiesel from the University Hospital of Würzburg on the topic of simulation of gynecological examination and surgical therapy of cervical cancer precursors.

Further information about the german speaking conference "3D-Druck in der Medizin"

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