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SKZ nursery school KuKis open for almost 15 months

It has been almost 15 months since the "Kunststoffkinder" - known as KuKis - opened their doors. But many people in Würzburg are still unaware of the company daycare center at the SKZ Plastics Center. This is despite the fact that KuKis also accepts children from the city of Würzburg who are not the children of employees.

March 27, 2024
Räumlichkeiten KuKis Modellfabrik

SKZ has the first daycare center in Würzburg: the KuKis. (Photo: Luca Hoffmannbeck, SKZ)

Würzburg's first company daycare center aims to raise awareness among families

In January 2023 the time had come: Würzburg's first company-run daycare center, SKZ Kinderkrippe Kukis, welcomed its first children. Located on the first floor of the SKZ model factory in the Lengfeld district of Würzburg and run by the Bavarian Red Cross, the daycare center has space for a total of 15 children. "Working at the KuKis is very special," says facility manager Helene Hofmann. "Because we only have one group, everything is very informal. Everyone knows everyone." She also appreciates the networking with the SKZ staff. For the employees, in turn, it is nice to know that their child is close by. The doors of the KuKis are partly glazed, so that the employees have a direct view of the hustle and bustle. "I often see employees and visitors to the SKZ beaming when they see our children through the doors," Helene Hofmann says happily. 

The latest scientific findings
For Helene Hofmann, the fact that the daycare center was completely rebuilt has a decisive advantage: "For a team, rebuilding a daycare center also means the chance to design a dream daycare center according to their own ideals and to work according to the latest pedagogical aspects. For the social worker, the focus is clearly on the child and his or her needs. "We value all children and parents without judging them. This is the essence of our work. The four-member team lovingly cares for the children. "All children are allowed to come here first. No child has to sleep if he doesn't want to. Morning circle is optional. There are no set meal times. "Our work here is very needs-oriented and based on the latest scientific findings," says Helene Hofmann.

Welcoming culture at the KuKis
However, the daycare center is still not well known in Würzburg, says Helene Hofmann. "I hardly get any inquiries," she says, "even though we are not just a company daycare center. Children from the city of Würzburg can also register with us. The KuKis are very socially diverse. For example, there are children from the parent-child home in Lengfeld and a refugee child. "Everyone is really welcome here," says the 38-year-old.

SKZ plays a pioneering role
SKZ is playing a pioneering role in Würzburg with its company daycare center model. Dr. Thomas Hochrein, Managing Director of SKZ, draws a positive balance. "The first 15 months were a success, even though not everything went according to plan right from the start. We are proud to have a great daycare center with a competent team as part of our company. Thomas Hochrein hopes that other companies in the region will follow SKZ's example. "The childcare situation in Würzburg is tense. We are happy to share our experience with other interested companies. We see ourselves as a family-friendly and forward-looking company. Having our own daycare center should help us retain our employees and counteract the shortage of skilled workers. Thomas Hochrein also knows: "After all, well-qualified parents can only go to work if their children are in good, reliable care. As a company, we have to take advantage of this potential.

More information about the KuKis

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Dr. Johann Erath
Innovation and Technology Manager

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