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SKZ and ROBUR Automation sign cooperation agreement

The SKZ Plastics Center in Würzburg and ROBUR Automation GmbH in Niedernberg have agreed to cooperate on future digitalization projects in the plastics industry. Through this collaboration, the partners aim to leverage synergies to digitize plastics processing efficiently and sustainably.

April 3, 2024
Kooperation Robur Automation und SKZ

SKZ and ROBUR Automation have started a cooperation to promote digitalization in the plastics industry. (Photo:

Working together to drive digitalization in the plastics industry

Past research projects have often shown that the best way to solve complex practical problems is to work together. For example, digitalization can hardly be implemented without industry-specific know-how. At the same time, expertise in technology and implementation is required. That is why ROBUR Automation and SKZ have now agreed to cooperate in order to bundle their expertise in the best possible way. 

Data-driven process optimization at SKZ
ROBUR Automation is an expert in the fields of automation, digitalization and IIoT with more than 25 years of experience in providing customer-specific solutions in the machine and plant construction and manufacturing industries. ROBUR Automation relies on a diverse product portfolio and customized solutions. SKZ in Würzburg has been a partner of the plastics industry for more than 60 years. The SKZ is a pioneer for companies in the areas of product testing, training, and research and development. For more than ten years, SKZ has also been working on data-based process optimization and for the past five years, increasingly on digitalization solutions for the plastics industry.  

In-depth process and machine knowledge required
"As application-oriented researchers, we are experts in developing and testing new concepts and approaches. However, SKZ cannot offer productive implementation and long-term support for all its technologies. It was therefore natural to look for a strong partner with extensive experience in implementation and operation," says Christoph Kugler, Group Manager Digitalization at SKZ. Both partners now want to work together to drive digitalization in the plastics industry. This requires in-depth knowledge of the processes and machines, as well as their networking, the resulting data and, of course, methods for analyzing and using it. "Of course, we already serve customers in the plastics industry. By cooperating with the SKZ, we hope to be able to support these customers even better and win new customers thanks to the SKZ's expertise," adds Fabian Kuhn, Head of Digital Transformation at ROBUR Automation. 

More about the SKZ research area Digitalization

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Contact Person:

Christoph Kugler
Group Manager | Digitalisation

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