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Parliamentary State Secretary Katja Hessel and other prominent FDP politicians visit the model factory and TZQ

Parliamentary State Secretary Katja Hessel and other high-ranking FDP politicians recently visited the SKZ model factory in Würzburg. In a discussion with Managing Director Prof. Dr. Martin Bastian, they gained a comprehensive insight into the wide range of training and research opportunities in the plastics industry. Together they discussed important current challenges, especially in the area of transferring R&D into practice.

September 25, 2023
FDP-Politiker besuchen die SKZ-Modellfabrik und das TZQ

[Translate to Englisch:] FDP politicians visit SKZ model factory and TZQ: MdB Karsten Klein, Michael Mörer, Nicole Malsam, MdB Prof. Dr. Andrew Ullmann, Tobias Dutta, Markus Jordan, PStS Katja Hessel (MdB), Christian Knies, Prof. Dr. Martin Bastian (Managing Director SKZ), Wolfgang Kuhl (from left to right) (Photo: Luca Hoffmannbeck, SKZ)

The Model Factory and the TZQ provide state-of-the-art research and training for the plastics industry.

A delegation of the FDP together with the Parliamentary State Secretary Katja Hessel (FDP) visited the German Plastics Center SKZ in Würzburg to get to know the model factory and the Training Center Quality (TZQ) of the SKZ as well as the various offers and activities for the plastics industry.

Lighthouse projects Model Factory and Training Center Quality Management successfully launched

The model factory offers 4,700 m2 of floor space, including 1,700 m2 of pilot plants and laboratories and around 600 m2 of networking and conference space, as well as space for around 110 highly qualified employees. The model factory will focus on practical research and implementation of Industry 4.0 for the plastics industry. In the new premises, concrete problems in production and application will be worked on and practical solutions developed - especially for small and medium-sized companies - with a focus on future-relevant topics such as digitalization and artificial intelligence.

The Training Center for Quality Management (TZQ) was built next to the model factory. Almost half of the center's 1,000 m2 of floor space are classrooms. The state-of-the-art equipment and innovative teaching and learning methods are also designed to counteract the shortage of skilled workers. Each year, for example, some 90 different courses with a high practical relevance are offered on the subject of quality. The aim is to ensure that companies remain competitive in the long term by providing skilled workers with a high level of training and continuing education.

Take advantage of educational opportunities and strengthen the economic power of the plastics industry.

Together with Prof. Dr. Martin Bastian, the FDP politicians informed themselves about the manifold activities and educational offers of the SKZ throughout Germany. Particular emphasis was placed on the importance of high-quality vocational training and the strengthening of small and medium-sized enterprises through qualified specialists. Each year, more than 10,000 participants take advantage of the SKZ's many educational opportunities. In addition, the SKZ addresses the impending shortage of skilled workers, in particular with the SKZ Lab. In the student lab, middle school students spend a day getting to know the various activities in a (plastics) company, while at the same time experiencing their own teamwork, cooperation and communication in six teams. This promotes togetherness, awakens interest in the natural sciences and makes a direct contribution to the important career orientation in this age group. Afterwards, the members of the FDP were able to get a first-hand impression of the modern and didactically state-of-the-art training center for quality engineering.State Secretary Katja Hessel was very impressed by the wide range of opportunities on offer and emphasized SKZ's commitment to promoting young talent: "Companies' demands on their skilled workers are constantly increasing, which is why modern and qualified offers are essential for young professionals and employees alike. The SKZ is a real pioneer and trailblazer when it comes to research and training opportunities in the plastics sector. It is only with well-trained specialists that the SMEs that are the backbone of the German economy can be strengthened in the long term.

MdB Prof. Dr. Andrew Ullmann adds: "I am enthusiastic about what the SKZ is doing in practice-oriented research with regard to our societal challenges, e.g. from bio-based plastics to recycling. The SKZ is indeed a pioneer in shaping Germany as a competitive and future-oriented business location for and with companies".

During his visit, MdB Karsten Klein was impressed by the SKZ's research and educational offerings and stated, "The SKZ is undoubtedly of great importance to the plastics industry. In general, the non-profit industrial research institutions organized in the Zuse Community have been successfully carrying out the transfer from science to industrial practice desired by policymakers for decades. The task of politics is therefore to ensure that the framework conditions are appropriate and to examine ways of improving them. And I will take this mission with me from here to Berlin.

Learn more about continuing education at SKZ

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Contact Person:

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Bastian
Head of Zuse Association and CEO of SKZ

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