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Alexander Ebenbeck is SKZ's new sales manager for product testing, certification and analytical services

With the appointment of Alexander Ebenbeck as head of sales for the divisions of product testing, certification and analytical services at the SKZ Plastics Center, a central point of the new future strategy will already be implemented at the start of 2023. Together with the sales team for education and research under the leadership of Matthias Ruff, the customer and industry orientation of the SKZ will again be massively strengthened by Alexander Ebenbeck and his newly formed sales team.

February 6, 2023
Alexander Ebenbeck Vertrieb SKZ Produktprüfung

Alexander Ebenbeck, new Sales Manager Product Testing, Certification and Analytics Services at SKZ since 2023 (Photo: Luca Hoffmannbeck, SKZ)

SKZ customers and partners now have a potent sales force with a dedicated customer and industry focus at their side

SKZ is currently pro-actively adapting to the current market conditions and changes of recent years in the business units where testing, inspection, analytics, assessments and product certifications are located. SKZ serves not only the plastics industry, but rather numerous industries that manufacture or use plastic products. These include, for example, the automotive sector, the construction industry, medical technology or manufacturers and users of various industrial or consumer products. In addition, SKZ with its subsidiary, Analytik Service Obernburg GmbH (ASO), also acts as a central laboratory service provider for the ICO Obernburg industrial park. A key aspect of the current strategy is therefore to ensure that SKZ's multi-faceted customers and partners are supported by a potent sales force with a dedicated customer and industry focus.

"I am very happy that with Mr. Ebenbeck we were able to gain a very experienced sales expert with distinct personal competence. I am very optimistic that with him at the helm we will be able to achieve our ambitious goals and ultimately our customers and partners will benefit greatly," said Managing Director Thomas Hochrein. Alexander Ebenbeck began his professional career with an apprenticeship as a technical draftsman and further training as a state-certified technician. In order to also acquire commercial expertise, he completed further training in business administration to become a certified financial economist. Before joining SKZ, he gained experience in various positions, for example as head of a customer center in an international drive technology company and as head of sales support in a stock market-oriented mechanical engineering company.

Ebenbeck is looking forward to the new challenge: "Absolute customer orientation is an essential ingredient to be successful. We have to offer our customers added value." He wants to realize this in close cooperation with his colleagues from the Research and Training, Network and Event, and Certification departments. "Thanks to the outstanding technical expertise that is consistently available among the employees at SKZ, the aim is to further expand established markets, but also to open up new ones. Among other things, the focus here will be on topics relating to the sustainability of plastic products," he adds, also on behalf of his sales team. In addition, work is also being done on improving internal processes in order to offer customers a customer experience that they will continue to be enthusiastic about. To ensure that corporate groups and major customers also feel well looked after at SKZ, key account management is also being further expanded.

More information about SKZ business unit Testing
and about Analytik Service Obernburg (ASO)


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Contact Person:

Alexander Ebenbeck
Head of Sales | Business & Sales Development

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