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Moritz Schwarz honored as the best physics laboratory assistant in Main-Franconia

Moritz Schwarz has been honored as the best physics laboratory assistant in Main-Franconia. The 28-year-old, who successfully completed his training at the SKZ Plastics Center, is continuing the tradition of excellent apprentices at the SKZ.

November 29, 2024
Auszeichnung bester Physiklaborant Mainfranken

Delighted about the award for best physics laboratory assistant in Main-Franconia: Moritz Schwarz and his former trainer Susanne Weiss. (Photo: Luca Hoffmannbeck, SKZ)

Training at the Plastics Center SKZ successfully completed

Moritz Schwarz impressed with his high level of technical expertise even during his 3.5-year apprenticeship. He had previously begun studying functional materials, but discovered his enthusiasm for more practice-oriented work with plastic materials, which led him to decide on an apprenticeship at SKZ. From the outset, he demonstrated great technical understanding, which particularly benefited him in physical-chemical analysis.

Contribution to the optimization of plastics
After successfully completing his training, Moritz Schwarz was offered a permanent position in the Physical-Chemical Testing group at the accredited testing laboratory. His responsibilities include, among other things, the supervision of high-pressure autoclaves and weathering devices that test materials under extreme conditions to ensure their long-term stability. He also carries out various test procedures as part of damage analyses, which means that he also makes a significant contribution to the continuous development and optimization of plastics.

A great success for the entire SKZ
Susanne Weiss, trainer for physics laboratory technicians at SKZ, is proud of the excellent performance of her former apprentice: “During his training, Moritz Schwarz repeatedly demonstrated not only his technical knowledge but also his high level of commitment. His excellent results and the honor of being named the best physics laboratory technician in Mainfranken are not only a great success for him, but also for the entire SKZ, and a special distinction for our training program.” 
Moritz Schwarz's recognition underscores the high standard of training at SKZ. The team warmly congratulates him on his award and looks forward to accompanying his further professional development.

More about the physical-cheimacal tests

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Contact Person:

Susanne Weiss
Group Manager | Mechanical Testing

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