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Launch of the new live stream series KARE Talks

As part of the KARE project, the SKZ Plastics Center is launching the live stream series “KARE Talks”, in which topics relating to the transformation of the plastics industry will be covered and actively discussed. The special feature: Thanks to the intensive cooperation with plastics processing companies in the KARE competence center and the survey of the status quo of the circular economy, the experts know exactly where the shoe pinches.

March 12, 2025
KARE Talks – Live Stream Reihe gibt Handlungsimpulse für die Kunststoffindustrie

KARE Talks - Live stream series provides impetus for action for the plastics industry (Photo: Adobe Stock/SKZ)

A training series that is directly geared towards the needs of the participants and whose topics are regularly adapted and updated, and is also free of charge? - It hardly sounds realistic, but it is the most sensible answer to complex topics in an agile business world. Especially when it comes to the major topic of transformation towards a circular economy in the plastics industry. As part of the KARE project, the SKZ Plastics Center is launching the live stream series “KARE Talks”, in which topics relating to the transformation of the plastics industry will be addressed and actively discussed. The special feature: Thanks to the intensive cooperation with plastics processing companies in the KARE competence center and the survey of the status quo of the circular economy, the experts know exactly where the shoe pinches. However, the participants themselves can help to determine further focal points. In other words, knowledge transfer geared towards real industrial needs in a subject area that all companies currently have to deal with.

The first planned focus topics for the 30-minute online sessions are
- Strategic approach to reducing greenhouse gas emissions 
- Sustainability assessment for plastic products
- The Ecodesign Regulation for sustainable products
- The EU packaging regulation (PPWR)

In addition, the live streams are designed in such a way that companies can contribute their questions and suggestions for topics directly and, if necessary, discuss them in greater depth in follow-up discussions.

The KARE Trend Radar, which visualizes the current “landscape” of sustainability regulations, technological and ergonomic trends, helps companies to maintain an overview and prioritize the various aspects of transformation. This gives participants a kind of recommendation for action as to where they should focus their attention or where they should already take action.  

The BMBF-funded KARE project focuses on sustainable solutions for people and the environment. In a network of companies, research and educational institutions in the plastics value chain, new concepts for work processes and environments are being developed that can be supported by employees.

Current information on the topics and registration for the dates can be found here:
KARE Talks - Knowledge for the transformation

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Contact Person:

Stefan Trieß
Transformation of the plastics industry

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