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It all depends on the right length - fiber length distribution with SKZ software FiVer

10 years have passed since FiVer was launched. Within this time, the software developed at the German Plastics Center SKZ has become the standard for fiber length analysis. This year sees the release of FiVer V2, which will once again set new standards.

July 12, 2023
FiVer Software Faserlängenanalyse

Screenshot of the new analysis wizard of the FiVer V2 software (Image: SKZ)

FiVer gets an innovative extension after 10 years and makes fiber length determination child's play

The further development of FiVer to "V2" took place at SKZ in close cooperation with industry and on the basis of countless measurements. The systematic collection of questions and suggestions since the launch ten years ago also made it possible to work out potential improvements to increase precision while reducing scatter. Long, curved and crossed fibers are now detected even more reliably automatically thanks to improved algorithms. The precision of the results increases significantly thanks to expanded image processing and calibration options. The most decisive innovation, however, is the analysis autopilot, the so-called "FiVer 1, 2, 3 - Assistant", with which the necessary evaluation steps for a list of sample scans can be processed automatically. A maximally simplified, alternative user interface is used, which leads to the goal with just three quick clicks.

The development of FiVer
FiVer was originally developed for a cooperative project in which a large number of long glass fiber reinforced material samples had to be analyzed at short notice with regard to their fiber length distribution. However, available systems did not provide sufficiently accurate results, since fibers that had been freed from the thermoplastic matrix by ashing are matted, bent and, above all, crossed over after a certain length. In addition, one sample contained several 100,000 individual fibers. The practice at that time was to fractionate the fiber sample by different fine sieves and measuring the "mass fractions" or to dilute the sample to a few 100 single fibers. Common software products also required assistance from the user, who had to manually track the fibers in the captured images with a microscope or scanner.
This slow, statistically inaccurate and labor-intensive method was therefore not suitable for precise analyses, and the first intelligent fiber recognition algorithms were developed at SKZ ten years ago. Through close cooperation with partners, knowledge of FiVer spread quickly and what was originally an internal solution evolved into a new standard for fiber length distribution analysis. Due to its ease of use, high statistical reliability and rapid availability of results, FiVer is now used not only in universities and research institutes, but also by raw material manufacturers and in injection molding companies worldwide. 

Advantages of long-fiber-reinforced components
Fiber-reinforced plastics have become indispensable in many applications. More and more long-fiber-reinforced materials are being used for highly stressed products in order to significantly improve decisive component properties. In order to assess the quality and effectiveness of fiber reinforcement, precise knowledge of the fiber content present in the component, the fiber orientation and the fiber length distribution is absolutely essential. The resulting fiber length distribution influences the thermal and mechanical component properties as well as shrinkage and warpage. Longer fibers in particular can significantly increase component strength and toughness. The exact information about the fiber lengths in the real component or at defined interfaces is used for example

  • to establish correlations to mechanical and thermal properties or component properties,
  • to optimize processing procedures or process parameters,
  • to optimize the gating or hot runner system,
  • for quality assurance of components,
  • for more precise simulation results,
  • for process and/or material comparisons.

We will be happy to advise you on specific inquiries about fiber length measurements and general questions about the FiVer software.

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Contact Person:

Manfred Popp
Senior Scientist | Research Injection Molding | Additive Manufacturing

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