The SKZ Plastics Centre in Würzburg and the PTS Institut für Fasern & Papier gGmbH in Heidenau are combining their many years of experience and technological capabilities to process fibre suspensions using injection molding technology.
Disposable product made from paper fibres
The ‘MINERVA’ research project is breaking new ground in paper injection molding
The Greek goddess Minerva stands for progress and innovation. If you are considering replacing a plastic product with paper, but would like to retain the original production processes, you need both. Above all, however, you need a strong partnership. The SKZ Plastics Centre in Würzburg and the PTS Institut für Fasern & Papier gGmbH in Heidenau are combining their many years of experience and technological capabilities to process fibre suspensions using injection molding technology
The process- and material-related implementation of paper injection molding from natural fibres in an aqueous suspension has the potential to change the plastics and paper industry in the long term. This is not to be understood as the end of the plastics processing industry, but as an additional way for companies to rethink products and thus make an important contribution to the environment (conservation of resources, circular economy, CO2 reduction) without losing economic strength. The aim of the research project is to ensure that the injection-molded paper product can be easily returned to the paper cycle after its application phase.
Over the course of the project, the researchers expect challenges in the fibre preparation of a variety of plant fibres, some with very individual property profiles, and the development of modifications to optimise process control during injection molding. This includes dosing and conveying in the injection molding unit as well as the implementation of economical drying concepts.
However, the two research companies are not facing the challenges alone. The project, funded by the Industrielle Gemeinschaftsforschung IGF, allows all interested companies to participate as part of the project support committee. Thirty companies along the entire value chain are already supporting the project with their own expertise and the provision of raw materials and technical equipment for material and process optimisation. If you are interested in taking part in the developments in paper injection molding, please get in touch with us and be there live when the MINERVA research project celebrates its kick-off meeting on 27 March 2025
Curious to find out more? Then we also recommend our online course on paper injection molding on 7 May 2025, where we will teach you the important basics of material selection and the necessary process technology in 180 minutes. Take advantage of the opportunity to engage in direct dialogue with the engineers. More information about the course on our homepage: