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First renewal exams for welding supervisors at SKZ's Horb am Neckar site a complete success

The SKZ Plastics Center in Horb am Neckar, Germany, is now offering courses in Baden-Württemberg for welding supervisors in accordance with GW 331. The first course on October 12, 2023 was well received and attended by 19 welding supervisors.

October 27, 2023
Kurs GW 331 am SKZ

The SKZ Plastics Center in Horb am Neckar, Germany, is now offering courses in welding supervision according to GW 331 in Baden-Württemberg. (Photo: SKZ)

Good response to first welding supervisor (GW 331) training event in Baden-Württemberg, Germany

At the SKZ location in Horb am Neckar, an extension examination for welding supervisors according to GW 331 will be offered for the first time on October 12, 2023. Due to the high demand for training in this area, SKZ is offering the welding supervisor training at an additional location in addition to its Würzburg headquarters.

Dual control principle ensures high quality of construction work
The work of the welding supervisor includes both the supervision of PE welding work and the testing and evaluation of welded joints, as well as the scheduled supervision of welders in accordance with DVGW Code of Practice GW 330. The four-eye principle, which serves to ensure high quality in construction work, requires trusting and competent cooperation between welders and welding supervisors. Only if all links in this chain contribute their knowledge and experience to the full can the high safety standards established in Germany in the gas and water supply sector continue to be maintained.

Training is an Integral Part of Security 
Training is therefore an integral part of the security of the infrastructure of our modern society. Attendees at this event were also able to benefit first-hand from the expertise of SKZ experts. "I like to come to SKZ to learn about the latest developments and to exchange ideas with my professional colleagues," said one participant about his expectations from this event.

"High demand for professional training
"Due to the high demand for professional training, we saw a need for action and were able to realize this training event together with the relevant associations," explains Jürgen Kern, SKZ site manager in Horb. "We are pleased that we have highly qualified trainers and the appropriate equipment to qualify the participants for their tasks and to be perceived as a competent partner in the market for many years.

Additional dates are planned for the Horb and Würzburg locations in the future.

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Contact Person:

Jürgen Kern
Branch Office Manager

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