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Easier product approvals through combined monitoring and testing of pipe systems

At a time when technical progress is constantly advancing, the demands on products in the field of pipe systems are also constantly increasing. FRÄNKISCHE Rohrwerke relies on the expertise of the SKZ Plastics Center in Würzburg to not only meet the high quality standards through combined monitoring and testing, but also to significantly increase customer benefits.

July 23, 2024
Zertifizierer Testing

The SKZ takes over the certification and monitoring organization of certifiers. (Photo: SKZ)

SKZ and FRÄNKISCHE Rohrwerke work closely together - focus on efficiency and customer benefits

Dipl.-Ing. Ines Heiduk, Head of Quality Assurance at FRÄNKISCHE Rohrwerke, emphasizes: "With the further development of the state of the art, there are also more specific and detailed requirements for products. On the other hand, competition between national approval and testing authorities has established itself in Europe, which hinders free access to the European market and generates high time and financial costs for the industry to obtain product approvals."

Different national approval requirements
In fact, the different national approval requirements make market access considerably more difficult and often lead to redundant testing. Combined monitoring by an accredited inspection body such as the SKZ can remedy this situation. Close cooperation and the inspection body's in-depth understanding of the specific products can avoid multiple audits and multiple inspections, saving both time and money.

Financial savings
"As European standards exist for a large number of products, combined monitoring by an accredited inspection body makes sense. This is not only about financial savings, for example to avoid multiple inspections, but also about the inspection body's understanding of the products to be monitored. For us, the SKZ is not only a supervisor, but also a companion for the fulfillment of the respective product approvals," explains Ines Heiduk. "It is in our interest to make use of the SKZ's technical expertise with regard to the complex and diverse requirements for the products."

"Impressive logistical performance"
The long-standing partnership with the SKZ is already showing clear results. "We are grateful to the SKZ for consistently supporting us for years on the way to a standardized European inspection procedure despite many obstacles and are now beginning to reap the rewards of this work together," says Ines Heiduk. "What is particularly impressive here is the logistical achievement that combined monitoring entails and that has been successfully mastered by the SKZ."

Integrated monitoring and testing processes
Christian Winkler, Group Manager Pipe Systems at SKZ, adds: "The combined monitoring by SKZ enables us not only to guarantee our customers the highest quality and safety, but also to significantly reduce the complexity of the approval procedures. Thanks to our integrated monitoring and testing processes, we can react quickly to technological changes and market requirements, which gives our partners a clear competitive advantage."

FRÄNKISCHE Rohrwerke and SKZ set new standards
This cooperation illustrates how targeted quality assurance measures and uniform monitoring procedures can not only guarantee the high standard of the products, but also maximize customer benefits. FRÄNKISCHE Rohrwerke and the SKZ are thus setting new standards in European product approval and monitoring.

More information about the pipe systems

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Contact Person:

Christian Winkler
Group Manager | Pipe Systems

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