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B³ - Launch of the Bavaria-wide education network in the battery sector

Qualifications and the development of competencies for future requirements across all stages of the battery value chain is now a central building block for the success of the transformation in the automotive sector. This is the goal of the "B³ Battery Education Network Bavaria" - an association of clusters, continuing education organizations and scientific institutes.

July 18, 2023
B³ Batterie-Bildungsnetzwerk Bayern

The participants of the B³ project at the kick-off in Augsburg on June 21, 2023 (Photo: Fraunhofer IGCV)

Joint project with ten partners from education and research

The starting signal for the network, which consists of ten partner organizations, was given at the meeting in Augsburg on June 21, 2023. The educational project, which is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK), will run for five years. Bayern Innovativ is coordinating the joint project.

The current transformation process of the automotive industry, especially due to the topic of "e-cars", requires profound adjustments of the value creation networks and the qualifications of current and future employees. This is where the B³ Battery Education Network Bavaria comes in and develops tailored qualification concepts for industry as well as small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It conducts economic and vocational needs analyses in cooperation with affected companies. In doing so, the experts consider the entire battery ecosystem and focus on the continuation of the practical offers to be developed.

"In the field of battery development, the news of innovations is overflowing at the moment. Right now, we need to set standards for the competencies that we currently need and will need in the future in order to be able to sustainably implement a transformation toward electromobility and in the energy transition. With its decades of experience in continuing education, SKZ can make an important contribution to securing skilled workers," emphasizes Christoph Kreutz, group manager at the German Plastics Center SKZ in Würzburg.
A network with expertise
Seven renowned Bavarian battery research institutions are represented in the consortium. These include the Fraunhofer R&D Center for Electromobility Bavaria FZEB at the Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research FISC, the Bavarian Center for Battery Technology (BayBatt) at the University of Bayreuth and the University of Applied Sciences in Landshut. The Fraunhofer Institute for Foundry, Composites and Processing Technology IGCV, the Institute for Machine Tools and Industrial Management (iwb) as well as the Technical University of Munich and the Technical University of Würzburg-Schweinfurt are also taking part. Educational expertise is provided by the national Bavarian educational institutions Das German Plastics Center SKZ and Bildungswerk der Bayerischen Wirtschaft (bbw) as well as the Institute of Industrial Engineering IAW of RWTH Aachen University.  Bayern Innovativ's New Materials Cluster is also a partner in the network. Through Bayern Innovativ, the partners also have access to the large innovation and transfer network in Bavaria.

Further informationen about B³ - Education network in the battery sector

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Contact Person:

Christoph Kreutz
Group Manager Training Center Quality

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