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Knowledge creates value
The education and training of engineers and specialists for the plastics industry is the founding purpose of SKZ and our mission. Since 1961, SKZ has been the industry's address for in-company training. With the knowledge of your employees, your company creates value. 

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Save travel time with familiar interaction between participants and instructors.
Save travel time with familiar interaction between participants and instructors.

LIVE online courses.
Knowledge brought to the point.

You would like to learn content compactly and with a minimum of time - but at the same time you do not want to miss the direct, professional discussion with an expert or the possibility to ask questions immediately?

Then our live online courses are the means of choice. These courses are streamed LIVE from our modern SKZ studio. You as a participant will be connected via MS-Teams-Call and have the possibility to interact with our instructors as well as with the other participants. Before each course you will receive your personal participant package with all documents, samples and some SKZ goodies conveniently to your company or home. If you want to avoid travel time, but learn best by interacting with like-minded people or ask detailed questions about the topic, this is the right course format for you.

Matthias Ruff
Head of Sales Training & Research | Procuration
Alexander Hefner
Sales Manager
The following courses are offered online
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Don’t miss the boat! Additive manufacturing is gaining more and more attention with increasing fields of applications. In this course you will learn the necessary basics using practical examples. Get to know the individual advantages of each printing technique and you will soon be able to benefit from these new technologies soon. The online course takes 3 hours per day.
In-house training possible
Online course
Level 0 (Seminar without practice)
21.07. - 23.07.2025, Online
3 days
online-course: Introduction to Additive Manufacturing
Don’t miss the boat! Additive manufacturing is gaining more and more attention with increasing fields of applications. In this course you will learn…
Level : Basics
Practice level: Theory-Seminar
1.165,00 EUR
This course can be conducted as an in-house training at your company.
This course can be booked as LIVE online training.
In today's technologically advancing world, 3D printing is playing an increasingly important role in a variety of industries. Lattice structures in particular present a fascinating opportunity to create complex yet lightweight components using additive manufacturing, which are critical in a wide range of applications. This course offers you a unique opportunity to expand your 3D printing knowledge and focus specifically on the creation and optimization of lattice structures. In the online format, the course lasts 3 hours per day.
Face-to-face teaching
advanced knowledge
Online course
25% (e.g. career changer)
20.10. - 21.10.2025, Würzburg
2 days
Lattice-Design for Additive Manufacturing
In today's technologically advancing world, 3D printing is playing an increasingly important role in a variety of industries. Lattice structures in…
Level : advanced knowledge
Practice level: 25%
This course can be booked as classroom training on site at SKZ.
This course can be booked as LIVE online training.
This compact training course with the practical training on the machine provides participants with a general understanding of the major aspects of injection molding: the injection molding machine, process, molds and parameters. Furthermore, it gives an overview of the typical defects, which may occur during the injection molding process. This course is ideal for newcomers and an excellent refresher course for any employee involved in plastics processing from setters and operators to management and sales technicians, who interact with processors or other plastics professionals on a daily basis.   
In-house training possible
Online course
Level 0 (Seminar without practice)
15.12. - 19.12.2025, Online
+- Weitere Termine (1)
19.05. - 23.05.2025, Online
5 days
Injection Molding – Basics and defects
This compact training course with the practical training on the machine provides participants with a general understanding of the major aspects of…
Level : Basics
Practice level: Theory-Seminar
1.165,00 EUR
This course can be conducted as an in-house training at your company.
This course can be booked as LIVE online training.
This course offers simple and comprehensible basics of plastics technology and gives an overview of the most important processes that are used for manufacturing of plastic products. In the online format, the course lasts 3 hours per day.
Face-to-face teaching
In-house training possible
Online course
Level 0 (Seminar without practice)
+- Weitere Termine (1)
15.05. - 16.05.2025, Online
1 day
Basics of plastics technology
This course offers simple and comprehensible basics of plastics technology and gives an overview of the most important processes that are used for…
Level : Basics
Practice level: Theory-Seminar
This course can be booked as classroom training on site at SKZ.
This course can be conducted as an in-house training at your company.
This course can be booked as LIVE online training.
The seminar imparts basic knowledge about thermoplastic materials. Increased attention is paid to the mass-produced polymers and engineering thermoplastics. You will get to know material classes, property profiles and the areas of application of the respective polymer types. In the online format, the course lasts 3 hours per day.
Face-to-face teaching
In-house training possible
Online course
Level 0 (Seminar without practice)
+- Weitere Termine (1)
12.05. - 13.05.2025, Online
1 day
Basics of plastic materials
The seminar imparts basic knowledge about thermoplastic materials. Increased attention is paid to the mass-produced polymers and engineering…
Level : Basics
Practice level: Theory-Seminar
This course can be booked as classroom training on site at SKZ.
This course can be conducted as an in-house training at your company.
This course can be booked as LIVE online training.
All prices plus VAT at the statutory rate

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