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How to find us

You will find the address of the booked event on your confirmation of participation.

Our event locations

Würzburg – Weiterbildungs-Zentrum

SKZ Weiterbildungs-Zentrum
Frankfurter-Straße 15-17, 97082 Würzburg

Arrival by car

  • From Frankfurt (A3): Take the Helmstadt B8 exit or the Kist B27 exit.
  • From Stuttgart (A81): Exit Gerchsheim B27, after Höchberg (get in the left lane) direction Würzburg Nord (B8), in Würzburg through Höchberger Straße and Wörthstraße, at the first traffic light turn left into Frankfurter Straße
  • From Nuremberg (A3): Exit Heidingsfeld, Stadtring direction Heidingsfeld, at the 2nd exit direction Congress Centrum/Festung Marienberg, through Mergentheimer Straße and Saalgasse, after the Alte Mainbrücke turn left into Zeller Straße, cross the big traffic lights into Frankfurter Straße.


  • A limited number of parking spaces are available at the SKZ Weiterbildungs-Zentrum.
  • Alternatively, we recommend the public car park "Talavera". From there, the SKZ can be reached on foot in approx. 10 minutes (750 m).

Arrival by train
From the main station, take tram line 2 (direction Zellerau) to the Wörthstraße stop or bus line 18 (direction Höchberg/Leibnitzstr.) to the Wörthstraße stop.

Würzburg – Technologie-Zentrum

SKZ Technologie-Zentrum
Friedrich-Bergius-Ring 22, 97076 Würzburg

Arrival by car

  • Coming from Würzburg/Stadtmitte:
    B8 in the direction of Lengfeld, then take the Lengfeld/Gewerbegebiet-Ost exit.
  • Coming from the A3:  
    Exit Würzburg Rottendorf (No. 72) onto the B8 towards Würzburg, then from the B8 take the exit Gewerbegebiet-Ost/Gattinger-Straße.
  • Coming from the A7
    Interchange Biebelried A3 direction Würzburg, exit Würzburg Rottendorf (No. 72) on B8 direction Würzburg, then from B8 exit Gewerbegebiet-Ost/Gattinger-Straße


  • A limited number of parking spaces are available at the SKZ Technology Center.
  • Alternatively, parking is available free of charge in the surrounding streets.

Arrival by public transport
At the main station, take bus no. 26 in the direction of Wöllriederhof/Pilziggrund and get off at the Sandäcker stop. Then approx. 7 min walk (approx. 500 m).
At irregular intervals, there is also a bus stop called Briefzentrum. From there it is a 4 min walk (240 m).

Würzburg – Tagungszentrum Festung Marienberg

Tagungszentrum Festung Marienberg
Oberer Burgweg, 97082 Würzburg
Parkplatz Festung Marienberg

Tagungsbüro (während der Veranstaltung) Tel.: +49 931 416131
Taxi Würzburg: +49 931 19410

ca. 10 Minuten Fußweg bergauf vom Parkplatz über Kopfsteinpflaster
zur Festungsanlage bis in den letzten Burghof

Anreise mit dem Auto:
Folgen Sie dem Wegweiser "Parkplatz Festung Marienberg". Dort stehen reichlich Parkplätze zur Verfügung. Sie laufen ca. 10 Minuten zum Tagungszentrum. Direkt am Tagungszentrum auf der obersten Ebene befinden sich keine Parkmöglichkeiten. Wir weisen darauf hin, dass falsch geparkte Fahrzeuge abgeschleppt werden. Hierauf hat das SKZ als Veranstalter leider keinen Einfluss.

  • Aus Richtung Frankfurt (A3): Abfahrt Helmstadt B8 oder Abfahrt Kist B27
  • Aus Richtung Stuttgart (A81): Abfahrt Gerchsheim B27
  • Aus Richtung Nürnberg (A3): Abfahrt Heidingsfeld

Anreise mit der Bahn:
Wenn Sie mit dem Zug anreisen, empfehlen wir, am Hauptbahnhof ein Taxi zum Tagungs­zentrum zu nehmen
(Taxi Würzburg: +49 931 19410)

Halle – Weiterbildungs-Zentrum

SKZ Weiterbildungs-Zentrum
Köthener Straße 33, 06118 Halle (Saale)

Anrrival by car

  • From Leipzig/Dresden (A14): Take the Halle (Saale)/Peißen exit. 
    turn right onto the B100 until you reach the Dessauer Brücke (please keep in the right-hand lane!), turn left onto Dessauer Straße, then immediately right onto the B6 towards Magdeburg, continue on Trothaer Straße until you reach the fork in the road, turn half-right onto Köthener Straße, after approx. 200 metres you will see the SLV Halle car park on the left, the SKZ is located on the SLV premises.
  • From the direction of Nuremberg/Munich (A9): 
    at the Schkeuditzer Kreuz junction take the A14 towards Halle, exit Halle (Saale)/Peißen
  • From the direction of Berlin (A9): at the Schkeuditzer Kreuz junction take the A14 towards Halle, exit Halle (Saale)/Peißen
  • From Magdeburg (A14): Exit Halle-Trotha Wettin/B6 turn right onto the B6 (Magdeburger Chaussee) in the direction of Halle, in Halle get into the left-hand lane and at the fifth set of traffic lights turn left onto Köthener Straße in the direction of Köthen/Petersberg, after approx. 200 metres you will see the SLV Halle car park on the left, the SKZ is located on the SLV premises.


  • The SKZ Training Centre is located on the grounds of the SLV Halle.
  • Sufficient parking spaces are available for participants in the SLV car park.

Arrival by train
From the main station, take the S-Bahn to Halle-Trotha or tram lines 2 (from the main station), 3 or 8 (from the city centre) in the direction of Halle-Trotha to the terminus.

Peine – Weiterbildungs-Zentrum

SKZ Weiterbildungs-Zentrum
Woltorfer Straße 77, 31224 Peine

Anrrival by car

  • From direction Hannover (A2): Exit Peine Ost No. 52.
    turn left (towards Gewerbegebiet Ost), at the roundabout take the second exit into Ostrandstraße, follow this road until the 3rd traffic light, then turn right into Woltorfer Straße towards the centre, after approx. 1.2 km you will find Unternehmenspark II on the right-hand side, the SKZ is located in Hall G.
  • Coming from Braunschweig (A2): Exit Peine Ost No. 52
    Turn left (towards Gewerbegebiet Ost), at the roundabout take the second exit into Ostrandstraße, follow this road until the third set of traffic lights, then turn right into Woltorfer Straße towards the centre, after approx. 1.2 km you will find Unternehmenspark II on the right-hand side, the SKZ is located in Hall G.
  • From Kassel (A7): Exit Derneburg/Salzgitter No. 63
    turn right onto the B6 (towards Grasdorf), then turn left onto the B444 (towards Peine), in Peine drive along Ilseder Straße towards the city centre, after the Nord-Süd-Brücke bridge turn right onto Woltorfer Straße, after approx. 1.2 km Unternehmenspark II is on the left-hand side, the SKZ is located in Hall G.
Horb – Weiterbildungs-Zentrum

SKZ Weiterbildungs-Zentrum
Rauher Grund 9, 72160 Horb am Neckar

Anrrival by car

  • From Stuttgart (A81): Drive towards Singen; take the Rottenburg/Neckar exit.
    Turn right towards Horb, direction Rottweil. Approx. 15 km on the B14; at the 1st traffic lights turn right into the "Industriegebiet Hohenberg". After approx. 300m you will find the SKZ on the right hand side.
  • From Singen (A81): Drive in the direction of Stuttgart/Tübingen; take the Horb am Neckar exit. 
    Drive approx. 4 km to Horb; drive through Horb in the direction of Stuttgart (B14). 
    Please note: Speed limit 30 - speed control! Approx. 3 km further on, turn left at the second traffic light "Industriegebiet Hohenberg". After approx. 300m, the SKZ is on the right-hand side.
Selb – EZD

EZD · Europäisches Zentrum für Dispersionstechnologien
Weißenbacher Straße 86, 95100 Selb

Arrival by car:
The EZD is located directly at the motorway exit A 93 - Selb-West.

Arriving by train:
Unfortunately, the EZD is not directly accessible by public transport. If you wish to travel by train, please inform us in advance. We will then be happy to organise the transfer from the station to the EZD for you.

Arriving by plane:
The nearest airports are Nuremberg, Leipzig or Munich.

SKZ · German Plastics Center
Friedrich-Bergius-Ring 22
97076 Würzburg

Telefon: +49 931 4104-0

Route berechnen
SKZ Training Center – Welding
Frankfurter Str. 19 c
97082 Würzburg

Telefon: +49 931 4104-123

Route berechnen
SKZ · Branch office Halle
Training and Research Center
Köthener Str. 33a
06118 Halle (Saale)

Telefon: +49 345 53045-0

Route berechnen
SKZ · Branch office Horb
Training Center
Rauher Grund 9
72160 Horb am Neckar

Telefon: +49 7451 62457-0

Route berechnen
SKZ · Branch office Peine
Training Center
Woltorfer Str. 77, Halle G
31224 Peine

Telefon: +49 5171 48935

Route berechnen
EZD · Branch office Selb
European Center for Dispersion Technologies (EZD)
Weißenbacher Str. 86
95100 Selb

Telefon: +49 9287 99880-0

Route berechnen
Sales partner – Italy
Via Buonarotti 175
20900 Monza, Italy

Telefon: +39 039 281561

Route berechnen
Sales partner – Romania
Plastics Bavaria Equipment & Systems srl
Str. Iancu Jianu, nr. 26
500178 Braşov, Romania

Telefon: +40 268 412 559

Route berechnen
Training Center Middle East
SKZ · Training Center Middle East
Muntazah Complex (Exit - 25)
Jebel Ali Village - Dubai (VAE)

Telefon: +971 4 8845001

Route berechnen
Sales partner – Poland
Dopak Sp. z o. o
Ul. Kwiatkowskiego 5a
52-407 Breslau, Poland

Telefon: +48 71 35 84 000

Route berechnen

SKZ – Welder Training Center
Frankfurter Straße 15-17
97082 Würzburg

SKZ – Technology Center
Friedrich-Bergius-Ring 22
97076 Würzburg

Tel. +49 931 4104-0

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