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SKZ saves around 126,900 kWh of electricity annually with LIVARSA efficiency solution

It is a model project: SKZ has introduced a new energy efficiency solution at its headquarters in Würzburg that has led to a 4.7 percent reduction in its electricity consumption: The technology used, from LIVARSA GmbH, is an MSR solution (measurement, control and regulation unit) installed centrally behind the transformer. It improves the power and network quality, ensuring that the current in the 400-volt network flows through a significantly lower resistance, making power transmission much more efficient.

May 3, 2022
Effizienzlösung spart Strom

LIVARSA efficiency solution helps save electricity - around 126,900 kWh annually (Photo: DOC RABE Media /

Less CO₂ emissions and a more efficient combined heat and power plant

"We generally see ourselves as pioneers and early adopters in the plastics industry. In this capacity, we want to offer our members solution scenarios for current and future challenges in the industry," says Dr. Jürgen Wüst, deputy managing director and authorized signatory at SKZ, explaining the decision in favor of the LIVARSA solution. "Resource conservation and the reduction of CO₂ emissions are clearly among them. In many cases, companies are already required to do so by law. With the LIVARSA MSR system, we demonstrate a simple way to take action here."

Challenge: Implementation without interrupting operations
The decision to introduce the efficiency solution was made in the summer of 2021, and the I&C technology was implemented at the Würzburg site in December 2021. A particular challenge was the fact that the power supply could not be interrupted even for a short time, as this would also have resulted in an interruption of the 24/7 testing of plastic parts in the SKZ test laboratory, which sometimes lasted for months. In the worst case, this could have led to failures or unacceptable disruptions during long-term tests. As a result, costly and time-consuming repeat tests would have been necessary. 

A technical solution had to be found that would allow the I&C system to be installed without interrupting the power supply. In cooperation with Stoll Energiesysteme GmbH, a long-standing electrical installation partner of LIVARSA GmbH, a concept was finally developed for implementing the hardware during ongoing operation - and thus with 20,000 volts "under power". This was possible because the power supply in the test laboratory is secured via two transformers. In this way, one of the two could keep the power supply for the tests constant while the efficiency system was installed on the other. As part of a detailed schedule for the installation, all steps were recorded in detail, as several of the switching operations on the medium-voltage side were required by the power supplier.  

Combined heat and power plant now with higher efficiency
This unusual installation was completed within three man-days. Since then, the LIVARSA solution, as a centrally installed filter technology, has improved the quality of the low-voltage network and thus reduced electrical energy losses. However, the result is not only energy savings, but also a reduction in the SKZ's CO₂ emissions by 53 tons per year.

In addition, the SKZ also benefits from a higher efficiency of its combined heat and 
of its combined heat and power plant to significantly reduce CO₂ emissions during particularly energy-intensive tests. While efficiency was between 75 and 77 percent before the energy efficiency solution was implemented, it now consistently exceeds 80 percent. The efficiency or heating effect of the power plant has consequently been significantly increased, which in turn makes its purchase and ongoing operation more economical.

The efficiency project was financed via a "sale and lease-purchase back" model based on the "pay-as-you-save" principle from Siemens Financial Services. This is a budget-neutral investment, as it is paid for out of the guaranteed savings.

LIVARSA GmbH is a provider of efficiency solutions for reducing the power demand in the in-house electrical low-voltage network. The focus is on energy-intensive manufacturing companies - such as manufacturers of metal components, plastic parts, printing plants, food producers as well as large department stores. More than 200 efficiency solutions are now in use at medium-sized companies through to internationally active corporations. LIVARSA was founded in 2010 and is based in Germany and Switzerland. A network of experienced partner companies, including energy suppliers, electrical planners, electrical installation companies and specialists for transformer and switchgear construction, supports the sale and implementation of our solutions. Since November 2021, all user companies can benefit from a BAFA subsidy of between 30-40 percent.


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Contact Person:

Dr. Jürgen Wüst
Head of Business & Sales Development | Procuration

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