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Dr. Frédéric Achereiner appointed Project Manager Research & Innovation

The innovation and technology transfer team at the SKZ Plastics Center is growing. Since January, Dr. Frédéric Achereiner, together with Dr. Benedikte Hatz and Dr. Johann Erath, has been supporting the initiation and application of publicly funded research projects as Project Manager Research & Innovation. These SKZ specialists provide our own research groups and the companies involved with a wealth of experience in the successful application, organization and implementation of bilateral through to large collaborative projects.

February 23, 2024
Team Innovation und Technologietransfer

[Translate to Englisch:] Das Team für Innovation und Technologietransfer am SKZ (von links): Dr. Johann Erath, Dr. Benedikte Hatz und Dr. Frédéric Achereiner. (Foto: Luca Hoffmannbeck, SKZ)

SKZ continues to expand its expertise in initiating and implementing publicly funded collaborative projects for the plastics industry

For more than 60 years, SKZ has been dedicated to research and development, testing, education and training of specialists and managers, and certification of management systems for the plastics industry. Approximately 180 employees work in research and education, currently in 17 research groups, on all important research topics related to plastics and on more than 100 ongoing national and international research projects each year. The SKZ is a research and development partner of the plastics industry to find solutions for current and future challenges - from materials and manufacturing processes to quality assurance, sustainability, recycling and digitalization. This research can only be carried out with appropriate funding and public support.

Extensive experience and expertise in publicly funded research projects
For the successful application and implementation of publicly funded research projects, SKZ also relies on experienced and professional in-house specialists: Benedikte Hatz, Johann Erath and Frédéric Achereiner regularly review public tenders at state, federal and EU level for suitable funding opportunities for research and development at SKZ and for corporate partners. The team supports the scientists and corporate partners with extensive experience and industry knowledge in interpreting the calls for proposals and is an active team partner in the application phase. Close contact with the responsible project sponsors and ministries helps to clarify requirements in advance and thus supports a successful application and the formation of suitable project consortia. Especially the acquisition of large research projects with many partners requires a high degree of initiative, openness and proactive commitment as well as access to relevant networks. 

In-house specialists ensure efficient management of large collaborative projects
Benedikte Hatz, Head of Innovation and Technology Transfer at SKZ, is delighted that Frédéric Achereiner has joined the group: "Frédéric is an experienced scientist and project manager in the field of plastics research. He has extensive experience in applying for public research projects and is particularly committed to the efficient management of large projects. He is an ideal addition to our internal and external expertise and will enhance our capacity to manage and execute large collaborative projects. We intend to build on this further."

Organizational Management of the KARE Joint Project
Frédéric Achereiner studied materials science in Nancy, France, and Luleå, Sweden, and has more than 15 years of experience in technical and organizational management of research projects; most recently, he was an expert engineer in the component properties group at SKZ. Together with Jonathan Lambers, Group Leader Transformation of the Plastics Industry, Achereiner has also taken over the organizational project management for the joint project KARE "Building Competencies for the Circular Economy of Plastics", which started a five-year project phase on October 1, 2023. Together with ten companies from the plastics industry, an association and five partners from research and development, a regional competence center for vocational research for the plastics recycling economy is to be established.

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Contact Person:

Dr. Benedikte Hatz
Business Unit Manager | Innovation and Technology Transfer

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